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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Still Better to Be Alone

Today, as usual, they didn't show up to any lectures.
I started to suspect are they what I want for?
A crazy gang is great sometimes, when they're really crazy.
Though, overdose of drugs could actually cause fatal in your future.
We know that, obviously.


It's actually we're not in the same path or what?
We seem different all the way.

Recently, you guys seemed like boycotting someone.
And this 'someone' seemed like having a quite good relationship with me
*this is what you guys thought only.
I was really afraid that you guys will also group me as one of his.

Whatever ...

I seriously understand that something really cannot be forced to be.
I don't know what to say cause you guys are not telling me what you thought too.
Maybe this was all my crazy thoughts.
But feelings sometimes are true.
I do feel some distance between us already.


Thanks for the craziest memory I'd ever had in UTAR.
I think I'd better concentrate on my studies =)

And Sue,
I really hoped we could be best friends.
What I can say is just that
"Princess and Pauper could never be friends"
Forcing myself to live in a royal family is kinda hard for me.
From today onwards,
I'd rather be myself,
living pauper, feeling well.

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