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Saturday, May 12, 2012

3rd Strike

It was a beautiful morning I had before I found out the package.
I know I asked you to return my stuffs.
But I'm not asking you to return what I've given you.
That's yours.
Not mine.

The moment I saw the box.
My heart went really numb.
I can't felt a thing.
Except questioning WHY?
Why did you return me the gift that I've been saving money to, walking around to, choosing out of choices to give you as your birthday present?
Do you know how much it meant to me?
Do you know how much it just simply affects me?

Now you're just the 3rd man hurting me at the same time.
How many times should I be going thru these?
I hardly raise my head to life right now.
Everything goes like up and down.
And I am just not enough to change the fact.

It's been tough these days.
I hardly breathed.
I hardly move my ass.
Why do those shits keep coming to me?

I've always wanted everyone beside me to be happy
But now I am the reason why they're not happy at all.
I swear I didn't mean this.
I didn't mean to change any of your life.

Somehow, life isn't like what I wanted right now.
I couldn't cope uncertainties.
Smiling around doesn't help at all.
Why couldn't I be smart a little?
At least I can protect all of them?

It's just so tough these days.
I couldn't stop saying
"I am very SORRY"


I'd do everything I could to punish myself

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