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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Sometimes,something changes so creepily without noticing around you
until we can't even manage to make a move
sometimes,it is benefit to you but sometimes it will be harmful
sometimes,we thought that we hate
but,after sometimes again,we just simply realise that what we hate was just a fool or a joke

something very unexpected happened to me just while ago,
did it happen to you?

this was the first time i get to go through this kind of stuff..
everybody knows about my cruel "post" right? (back-biting)
anyhow,i'm here to say sorry..
even though i knew it was a wrong one,but i still made it
that's what my mistake,sometimes.

but now,it was the past to me and to the person
something really unexpected,
i'm still friend of hers

first time did this without losing a friend
not going to do something pretending,
frankly,she is just so generous...
thought that we could have difficult situation after the post
but she get to put it down.
she accepted?or she will remember the evil of mine forever?

i really wish that she could accept and look into herself
it may be a help to her too

that's why i said,sometimes,something we judged doesn't make any sense
but,it did happened,
everything came to an end,
we are still friend

thank god.

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