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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stop Dreaming

SPM is not ended yet!

how come "End Of SPM"?
so..still gotta pay some effort on it

allah...i wana go for holidays d lar..
damn it! today went to mcd near my house to study economics with rinako

but we talked so much haha
yet,i still get to finish 2 questions in4 hours..

walao eh..
i reli wasted so much time

"i swear tomorrow i wont talk so much d"
"slap me if i talk"
end of today..
still end up with *talk*
how come i became so chicky
hmm..what has changed me into this?
but do you think it's a good sign on me?
some said it's not suit to me...cause *i have pretty face,but chicken backside*
i ruined my image
some said "be natural.."

drop me a vote.

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