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Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Turn

yesterday was such a shock to everyone that more than half of 5M1 students get fever
until teacher need to bring them down by herself
tat's not at all yet
many people still coughing inside the class and 3 more sicker not yet go home~
it was such an empty class yesterday
every teacher came in also ask what happen to our class
and they seemed like so afraid to get the same disease
as H1N1 is coming closer and closer to us
people said at sg ara..some said at air itam,where i lived.

there's no fear at first
i was still joking around that all those sickers are bookworms
while troublemakers like us are healthy than them

but when it came to an end for the school lessons
i started to feel the ichyness in my throat
and soon
i coughed too
that's my turn now..

virus like this attacking me?

the colour is disgusting right?
except for this one
it still looks ugly instead.

i am suffering sore throat and fever and a little of flu~
will i be the one of them?
what if i am?
but HAHA
i still can blogging here means what?
anyway i have searched some of the swine flu's information
and i get to know that
i have 4 of the symtoms over 6.

1. High temperature, tiredness and lowered immunity
2. Headache, runny nose and sneezing
3. Sore throat
4. Shortness of breath
5. Loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea
6. Aching muscles, limb and joint pain

and it is spreaded in a fast speed

Flu viruses mutate over time causing small changes to proteins on their surface called antigens. If the immune system has met a particular strain of the virus before, it is likely to have some immunity; but if the antigens are new to the immune system, it will be weakened.

The influenza A virus can mutate in two different ways; antigenic drift, in which existing antigens are subtly altered, and antigenic shift, in which two or more strains combine. Antigenic drift causes slight flu mutations year on year, from which humans have partial, but not complete, immunity. By contrast, the new strain of H1N1 appears to have originated via antigenic shift in Mexican pigs

The name "swine flu" is a slight misnomer as it is believed pigs acted as a mixing pot for several flu strains, containing genetic material from pigs, birds and humans. Most humans have never been exposed to some of the antigens involved in the new strain of flu, giving it the potential to cause a pandemic.

The new virus has made the jump from pigs to humans and has demonstrated it can also pass from human to human. This is why it is demanding so much attention from health authorities. The virus passes from human to human like other types of flu, either through coughing, sneezing, or by touching infected surfaces, although little is known about how the virus acts on humans.


Monday, July 13, 2009

New Job

hmm..this few days
i was really covered up myself with those questions about
"what am i going to do after form 5?"

i wanted to have jobs like :

a) financial planner
b) model
c) photographer
d) business
e) accountant

recently,it means,today :
i want to be a economical investment??
how stupid i am

i do really have no direction~
i am still so worry about these

i want to have great large pocket with dollars!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

To My Dearest Laopo

tonight is just like that night you left me alone in heng ee
it was a sudden when you told me you are going to transfer
although i'm not really alone
but i have lost you
i can't really accept the reality
do you remember?
how sad was i ~

tonight,i cried so loudly in my dark and quite room, again.
just like that night..
i cried along the journey to my house
the moment you hug me
the moment you looked into my eyes
the moment you said good bye to me~

my nose started to be sour
my tears started to flow,along my both chicks
it just cant be paused
just as my voice~i shouted~
in my car,until i reached my house
it still remained.

the expression of yours is still in my mind,until today.
when my car drove away
you kept staring at me,just as me too.
i can feel the love inside
i can feel how much we felt inside
i can even feel that how much you are going to miss me

laopo,me too..i miss you so much

i remembered that night,i had my eyes swelled so seriously.

that night,
i cried because i was worrying of a day like today will happen
i cried because it happened

though,nowadays i'm still not joining you guys in every function
i realised that we have different mind on objects
we have different topics
that makes me feel so far away

it's damn sad that me and you are not sticking to each other anymore
this day had come finally~

it's useless for me to cry, to beg, to wish how much more

you have left me.
but somehow, i won't forget the memories we used to share together.

i love you laopo.
i love you

Friday, July 10, 2009

Penang Times Square Carnival

yeah babe~
it's the carnival !
haha i'm sure all of us should be so excited right?
the new times square is going to be one more place for us to shop !

there are eating competition
which we interested in so much~
break dance
for the youngsters
treasure hunt?
i'm not sure
but hui zhen said so..
i'm gonna take part in everything..
i mean..
use my eyes to watch~
except the eating one..

see the times square building?
it's gorgeous..and even bombastic !
hahaand if you don't know or not sure the way the times square..
here is the map~

is all 4M3 2008 student going?
hehe it's gonna be a fun gathering

haha hope tat you guys will go ~
but you guys sure go~

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Idiotic FROG!

today was such a bad day !
the damn idiot frog in my class who sit beside me had really raised my anger today !
damn one !
why do i need to sit there alone?
why do i need to have a partner like her ?!
many things happened this year..
i do really HATE her
but everybody thought she is my best friend
oh my goodness
it's gonna be ridiculous
if i ever have the chance to speak
i wouldn't want to sit beside her
this kind of frog may chop my head off if i didn't pretend to be her friend

in fact,
everybody knows that she didn't have friend
that's her problem
that's her bloody character
i wonder why i can stand her for almost one year
i am just wishing the day to leave this class comes soon
cause..she is torturing me everyday !

ok..let me talk about what happen
and how is SHE ~


she is just like a flame stone !

everybody knows that !

when we were having lesson in class

she kept commenting (non-stop,you know?)

and poor ariel sitting beside her listening to her nag everyday !

you know?her voice is like ~ yiew~

it is sharp and it has the ability to break my drum~

and today,i was asking teacher a question


teacher was answering me but

something beside keep "yiuyiuyiuyiu" haiz

but then she has high volume so teacher thought i didn't listen to her

just because she had interrupt


then teacher said "就是说咯,她没听我讲课一直在那边做功课!"

okok..i admit that i really didn't pay attention to wat teacher said

but now i am asking teacher not YOU IDIOT FROG ! BITCH !

teacher scold me nevermind..nonid you add in any words ok???!

when i was angrying her..she thought i angry teacher


dowan argue with her like that also better

if not,i sure cant control and i will just slap her whity face hng!

stop acting tat you know me well..I WARN YOU !


i have released the bad words on a paper writing

"还要假情假意 ! 去死啦你 ! 逼我骂粗话 ! cibai lang ! 只会在人家背后插人一刀 ! 你平常是酱,可是你今天是在众人面前下我得脸 ! FUCK YOU !"

of course i didn't splash the words out from my lungs

i just chose to write on a piece of paper

anyhow,i'm still rational



讲秘密也会大声 huiyor..behtong nia


xue ni hor?huiyo both of really have the same idea


she always like to show off..

she like to use her super power throat and tell the whole class what she knows

and then laugh loudly !

if i didn't follow her to laugh

she will keep holding my arms and wants me to laugh together with her

but how can i refuse her?

holly shit~i'm the pitiest in the class

how many months to go?damn it !

other than THESE~

she really likes to interrupt no matter who is talking in front

i am wondering whether is she trying to attract everybody to look at her?

oh yucks!

i really hate that,why she wana do till like this?

i really don't understand although i have scratched my pity skin that protects my little brain


and then if the one that speaks in front doesn't agree with her

she will turn to me then..

she wants me to agree with her~haiz~

agree lo agree lo 爽了没?

wow~ this is really the first time i keep back-biting a person in my clean blog!

see?that's wat she have done..

polluted my brain..mahai yi eh..

Sunday, July 5, 2009

School concert

it gotta be difficult days for all the interactors
although i don't know that did they try their best
but somehow,
we are being irritated by all the rules and plans
they kept on changing the plans and making all of us dizzy
later this,but later that
wat can we do with it?
when there was a situation
they blamed on us
cant they stand on our angle and think?
all those adults didn't use their brains properly
it's true for them to make the night perfect
but what kind of order did they give to us???
did they discuss together first?
they did not~
they are kinda----hugh! nothing can describe their planless brain! (!@#$%^&*+)

we did not do well that night
but how?
this was the most troublesome year
when there was a short circuit..
it just made us nervous

that night,
i was so disappointed
i don't know why i will feel so responsible
but i don't have the right to say anything
we were just like worms
no direction~

i think audrey will be sad too?
but she looked nothing..
in fact,we were worrying whether are we going to have the chance to in-charge once more?
but..interactors are having a result of dropping

it's the last year for us to duty in this sucks situation~

but we get scolded !

what a damn work is this?????

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