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Friday, April 27, 2012

Awesome Malaysians ! Bersih 3.0 [428]

Wake up Malaysians!
It's time to fight for yourself, the community, and our future!

Morning guys !
A very big round applause to those people in the picture.
I'd just say
They were already there since last night!
Being supportive here, though I still have exam to catch up.
If not, I'd join them
doesn't care if I'll be lock up or whatever.
Cause we are Malaysians !

We want fair election ! 

Encrypted From FB, early in the morning by UTARIANS: 

"you think Bersih 3.0 is stupid and pointless? what about yourself? everyday stay in the air-corn room, eat fart shit sleep. At least people enact Bersih and trying to do something for the country. what about you? update stupid fb status and upload retarded pics everyday.

If you don't support, at least respect." 
--Joselyn Lau

"Wish to participate and witness the historical moment tomorrow.
428, the real unity of Malaysians is again shown the world. 


--Weijie Chai Wai Kit

"Let's give up tml exam and go for Bersih 3.0 xD"

-- Rottenapple JianLe

"这几天面子书的状态都被 Bersih 3.0 的讯息给洗版了,每个人都变得好热血!

-- Alien-Teh Kwang Ewe

"在精神上支持!!!BERSIH 3.0 !!!"

--Becky Qin

Call them if anything happens

Support Bersih 3.0 !
Together we do the best !

I Thought You'd Never Broke My Heart

Yea, I tell lies.
But you never thought about why am I telling those shits?
DO you think it's easy for me to cover so many lies?
I am not who you thought I'd be.
I am not who I thought too.

I thought I could handle
Yea, but see what's the outcome?
It's a mess, a serious mess shit.

I didn't mean to blame you for anything
But it's just too much for me
Everything I said, I meant it.
I never lied regarding this, the feelings.
Oh look, what I've become?
A bitch? Yea, for sure.
Just because I don't know how to decide.
I made a very stupid big game to confuse and to hurt myself

Is this game about patience? Or hurts?
He said, you should know it always start with HURT in this situation
What can I do to not hurt you? neither him?
Or me?
Am I being selfish? I thought I am not.

You said you won't give up.
I believed.
You said you will wait for me.
I believed.
Whatever you promised,
I believed.

Did you ever believed in me?
You have no faith in me.
You want instant result.
Love is for long-term.
I love long-term investment, I don't want anything to be short

It's about the process, you remember?
You played games, for process, aren't you?

I don't know how many times should I explain
I don't know what else can I say.
You said you knew me well
But I can't see at all.

It's been tough, for all of us, 
it's all my fault.
I'm the one to put the blame on.
I have no right to complain.
I am taking a break.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'll Cross The Stream, I Have A Dream

~I have a dream, a song to sing~
~If you see the wonder, of a fairytale~
~You can take the future even if you fail~
~I believe in angels~
~Something good in everything I see~

"I'll cross the stream, I have a dream"


Dream isn't hard to achieve, if only you take a little step in a little day
You'll see, there's always this shiny star, waiting for you ahead
You just need to keep walking
Never look back.

If you think you can, YOU CAN.

Thanks to Stardream
A pack of dream creators.
Creators of this wonderful ball party first time ever on a cruise.

Well, let's see what happened on the cruise, that the news seem so hot in FB.
If you noticed, people changed their profile pictures after the event ended.
Mostly on the cruise, on the ball.
Sounds really happening, indeed.

Yeah, I'm gonna start from my side.
Hello, it's me
Taken by Mr Tony Khor
One of my fu*king favorite photo, yeah.
Stardream make my dream; A model. Do I look like one? Yes, I'm gonna say.

I was one of the committee members, from the PR department.
PR mostly has no big deal,
send out invitations, call journalists, make some public relations to the public
and that's all

Speaking of PR department,
There, the PR members.

Since we do not have a proper group photo, Zhe Kai finally made one for us.
Looks great tho.
But still, so wasted that we were too enjoy in the party that we forgotten to do some camwhore ourselves :/

Anyway, I'll talk about how fun is it later on.
Now, my job scope on that day
Bringing in the participants, and settle them down.
Distributing the programme flow during the opening ceremony.

Yea, it's me again, acting like a professional,
But distributing flyers -_-
Nevermind, I have this wonderful picture as rewards :D
That's the Stardust lounge; Something in Titanic, no? :)

Opening ceremony always starts with the VIPs
Our VIP: DR.Teh

Left: Dr.Teh
Right: Chairman of Stardream -- Mr Chai Wai Kit 
Thought that VIPs wouldn't join us for fun
In fact, he danced like a youngster in the Boomer's disco with us.
Guess what, he even took off his clothes.
No offense, I think this is really awesome.
I shared out the story of his, because he is damn damn damn friendly instead of giving the respectful and strict faces, like the others will.

Now this is our advisor. A big baby indeed.
No offense again.
I truly like this kind of person that they don't act like "you have to listen to everything I said"

Left: Mr Paul
Right: Mr Chai Wai Kit

A group photo for dream creators, I was not in there, and I don't know why :(
After the opening ceremony,
here comes some dessert for all.
A quick peep for the rest of the night.
Romantic dance in the lounge. Brought you a romantic love onboard.

A powerful singer, Mira.
She has a wonderful and powerful voice like Christina Aguilera. Believe it or not?
Christina is my idol !

How sexy she is.
Apparently, the package for the event included meals.
Choices of either buffet at the deck.
Or the four season chines restaurant.

Encrypted from the promotional picture: Romantic lunch/dinner with love ones

The event is going on at the deck of the cruise later on after dinner is done.

Special performances are then continued with Waltz, the dance of love.

What else?
Ohh ! The live band !
*Not really like the band in a pub, but it's even greater than from the pub*

Performance by talented student with romantic songs that fit the theme of our event
Other than that, RnB songs are played too, to show the joyfulness of joining our dream

She is the most wonderful musician I've ever seen;
She enjoyed while she played, like really in the music when she played "I'm a big big girl"
Should really have filmed it

The wonderful singer in UTAR; Like Christina Aguilera, like Kenny Chesney.
They were just so impressing.
Awww I was totally in love :D

Part of the crew member

The Chairman; Wai Kit

Trying to pose like a real model; Failed, yea? Haha

Zhe Kai; My PR team assistant; A very very great guy

My another favorite picture of the day w/ Zhe Kai

CHEERS; To Stardream :)
We simply enjoyed the sleepless night :)
They say, we have couple feel, under the spot light :) SS!
Wincent; The Chairman for Waltz with Love, if you do remember.
Today, he was the partner for Diane

Diane; Super skinny lo; That's why I looked so broaden :D
Eric; One of the dancers
I simply like this picture, and I don't know why :)
Part of the crew again

Brandon; A lot of help in my pictures sources :) Thanks

After the ball party night, a heavy downpour just so mean and ended the party
But it's okay,
it just seemed like we touched the heaven and it responded :)
the party is still going on at the cruise Boomer's Disco
RM20 per person, free one draught of beer.
Who cares, anyway,
Greg, the cruise in-charger, is a friend of us now
He paid like 3 barrels of Heineken for us
Then we drunk 99.

----Eventually, everybody was late for the next day pool party which supposed to begin at 8am----

Encrypted from promotional pictures; Pool party on cruise

Pool party weren't just a bunch of friends jumping into the pool, splashing water around
There were a few performances performed
to boost the day :)
Pictures definitely described all

Sexy girls dancing; Best part on deck !
I love this picture like 1000 likes ! She danced with life !

Okay, it seemed like just pushing each others to the pool. Hell yeah !

Water-guns provided

I never expect this would happen to Mr Paul !
That is why, I call him a big baby. No offense :)

Let's call it a wonderful day and night on cruise
It's just gonna be remembered until there is another better

Well, the party ended.
It's time to create another dream.
It's time to say hello exam ! :D
Let's just hope Stardream didn't affect your studies.

Stardream is a dream, exam is the path for our larger dream !

A very big good luck wishing to all committees and participants !


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hello Pulau Ketam

Sorry readers.
I was off for so long time again.
There was totally no time to online even for FB, Twitter, and whatever.
So, I have loads to update.
Viewing my camera, with loads of picturessss
that I haven't even posted anything up here.
Anyway, now I'm gonna make some repair to my blog with new template :D


Day 1 -- P.Ketam

Ivan was following this time and the whole trip look more adventurous with exciting continuously events
Best days ever at Ketam 
even I came here for a few times already.

There, before we reached the island,
speedboat, indeed, was the only transportation to the island.
And I think that was the first ride for Ivan
Somemore, no seats for him.
See, he held the rail so tightly.

Then what could it be for our lunch?
Seafood, of course.
What else back to popular in P.Ketam? :)
The seafood was the best I ever tasted in Malaysia.
Playing with my cam mode while waiting for our lunch :)

Ta-dahhh; Tummy full like balloon

Crabs are always mouth-watering and finger-licking good

Famous fried la-la; Somehow not my plate of food :/ I hate mussels 

Same, mussels again; Dear and Ivan tasted like hell yeah, so I guess it's really fantastic :D
This time has no me; I am waiting for other dishes while they're eating musselss

虾丸, they called.

Now, this suits me more, fried sotong; I love squidssss <3
Big prawn; Super fresh. Wulala

You can do nothing in the island, except chewing around, whole day :D
Night time supper.
Sitting beside the river
And feeding the starving mosquitoes :S
Where I got so many scars on both my hands and legs

Showing off again; I know mine is smaller; Damn you -_-

Tho it's boring, no nightlife on the island; Luckily I have Milo :)

Day 2

Bathing Milo, early in the morning
She misses me, I know :)

Then, we gonna bring Ivan look around the island
For your information,
Cars and motorbikes are prohibited on the island
Bicycles; the only transportation
Luckily, I don't have to cycle
Let my muscle man do the rest, I just sit behind will do
Yipeeee *lazybump

Now let's take a look how Pulau Ketam actually looks like
No roads, no annoying traffic jams, no car honking; it's just as peace as the sea

This island may be a kampung to you,
but it's a safety home to the villagers,
at least, they have no tension in their life,
they live really peaceful
and full of adventurous 
*of course, it's only adventure for town people*

First attempt to cross the bridge
Owhh, failed. Go get him across ! Haha

Bird nest breeding area; Nothing special, we play around.
I super like this photo!
I'm sure you know why, cause I also sure you'll like it haha
Act cool huh? Say cheese :)

Bird nest building behind :)

Oh, we found this place; Does it look like those scenes in the movie "Anaconda"

Another attempt crossing back the little bridge; hold hands? OMFG ! SO GAY
Then, we headed to the fish-catching area.
Look how our fishes being caught, categorized, and packing process
This place owned by my dear's cousin.

Another sea bridge;
We usually cycle across, but he stopped before he reached the bridge, take off his slippers, and walk..

The one trying to throw or hit something over there in grey colour T-shirt is my dear's brother. Haha


Hello; Fat me
老虎虾; It's impressing right? There are a lot !

Imma kampung girl

Poor Mr Ivan, got boring

Tiger Crab; They're alive!

Dear's cousin. A fisherman, I guess. This mini speedboat is scary, but we'll be riding later. Haha

A live stingray, waiting for death. :( Sorry we gotta do that

Big fish, where I forgotten it's name. 
But hey, look behind the storage boxes, 
call in to order a large amount of fresh seafood from P.Ketam :)

Nahh, just acting; I was shivering.
But then, I jumped into the sea, later on.
It was exciting and fun !
Couldn't feel anything from bottom of your feet
All you can do is try all your best to make yourself float as long as possible
I was scared of course,
waves are big, the water current are strong, wind is blowing strong too

Add caption

I like it :D

I am brave !

And now, we're onboard, to the mini speedboat.
The boat super swaying.
Like any minute you stand up straight, and you'll lose your balance and into the sea

But I was not that scared anymore, after I swam inside the sea,
Get ready to wet already. Haha
All I can say "IT'S FUN"

Finally, the exciting moment ended with the sunset
How much I hope it was me in this picture :S
Too bad I was sitting behind, nobody's behind me 

End of Pulau Ketam exciting trip :D
Best trip ever

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