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Monday, November 28, 2011

Sungkai Hot Spring

It was really a very wonderful trip I had today.
The most memorable day in Kampar.
Never thought Kampar wouldn't be this boring.
Credits to 承宗哥 !
*Damn er xin right?*
My life would never be this fun if I never met you.

But too bad, I don't have a proper camera
and again, I missed all those fun parts.
camera needed.

Anyway, I still got some before we left.

Then it would be all about my description of the whole trip.
We started our journey @ 4.30pm
with eggs and everything readied.
Please don't be curious about the eggs.
It was the funniest part of the whole trip! :D

Then it started to rain along our journey.
First thought in our mind
"We'll never gonna have fun today"
1. Public holiday wor, got open or not ehhh?
2. Raining wor, still can let us get in or not? :S

"Cham lar ! Traffic jam some more!"


We were so like disappointed when the rain never got lighter as we got nearer
We prayed, so hard.

And ta-daaa !
We arrived at 6.15pm
*Imagine how long have we stucked in the car*

Still, non-stop raining :S

BUT, tickets are still on sale !
Ha ha !
Everything worth back !

The environment was really so relaxing.
I almost fell in love and almost gonna stay there forever.
*exaggerating, as that was really AWESOME*

The spring was really heating, my skin burned
Not actually burned,
It just turned pink !
It was like about 40-50 celcius degree
Took us a few mins to finally get into the pool

Seriously, you don't wanna get out of the pool if you don't feel dizzy.
Soothing enough for you to actually sleep inside the pool
Pros and cons,
Once there's Malays, there will be nothing about cleanliness.
Hmph !

Nevermind, we leave them aside will do.
Don't get affected by them.
You still need to get into the pool
Awww !

Now, the eggs part.
Guess what have we done to the eggs?
20 eggs brought, by the way :D
Ohh, and kicap brought too !

Ans: Boil eggs in the spring :)
2mins -- 1/4 boiled eggs
3-mins -- Half boiled eggs
5-7mins -- Full boiled eggs

They were just so tasty !
Nothing ordinary like we usually boil the eggs.
Feel like going back d
*Slurp* ;P

We stood there for quite a while,
Busy cracking those eggs slowly and carefully
Don't wanna waste any of the eggs.
20 eggs for 5 persons.
It was just enough.
I swear we will bring more during our next visit :D

--- 8pm ++ ---
Time to go home.

Ivan lost his slippers !
One of his slippers actually.
Don't know which sor hai took only one of his slippers

He borrowed mine.
And that's what made me laugh like hell !
See what it looked like....

Hahahahahahaahahahahaha !

"Nger nger fit in !"

Next funniest point.

Laurance so pity, he can't get to sleep
Reason : "I scared if I fell asleep, I would have kissed him, and it looks so gay !"


End of the day,
end of the trip.

Looking forward for our next trip
Cameron Highlands :D

"Your existence, my source of happiness"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

To-Buy List

So many things I wish to buy.
So much money needed to be saved.
Should really seek for more part time jobs already.
Should save more money to my Maybank account already.
Hmph !

To-buy list:
- I don't wanna missed any more minutes of my uni life.
-Going so much for badminton recently, should really buy a proper shoes instead of my super hard CONVERSE shoes.
-Since going so much for sports, nicer and proper wear is needed as well.
4. Bras
- It's weird to have this on the list, but I really wanted to have a few more sexy bras in my closet :D
5. Iphone
- The toughest task to achieve. But still will give a try
6. Tint Film for Fat Lady
- Gonna stick something to protect my skin on my fat lady (Waja)

These are what on my mind for now only
I think there are still a few things to be listed.
Can't remember.
Of course, I kinda hope I do not have to buy all these by myself?
Looking for sponsors.
Half of the price also 'kill' !

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You Are The Reason

I think this is gonna be a new relationship.
It's fast, I know.
But, who can resist when it comes to feelings.
We always defeated by feelings.
Feelings always drag us along our life.
It's fact.

I know it might seem weird,
or might be inappropriate to the others
As I just ended one, and started another within 1-2 weeks.

Don't ask me why, don't ask me how.
It just came.
He just appears.

Perhaps, I was seeking someone to accompany?
But who knows?
Days passed, another month is coming soon
I am about to fall in love,

To him.

A surprising sentence just dropped off from my lips this morning.
I told him
"I love you"
and I pressed my lips on his.
I smiled as usual, with feelings, of course.

I surprised him, like myself surprised.
I smiled, still.
Looking into his eyes.
Wondering my words.
My responsibility to the sentence.
Are they true?

He was asking the same question.
I stunned.
It might be true.
It might be a feeling-drag
I am not sure.

But I felt sweetness from the bottom of my heart.
I feel happiness, that has been long lost.
I feel like not anymore alone.
Protected by some kind of unseen objects.

You are the reason why I felt these.
You are the reason why I like this feeling being together with you.
I feel so secured being with you.
I do not have to face so many things by myself anymore.
As long as I have you to help me solve my thousands problems.
You are just so capable in sharing all my thoughts.

This is the life I actually wanted like forever.
Find a guy that he loves you, you love him.
And he gives future, he gives secured promises.
The most important,
He is capable in giving you a happy, and a safe family.

All of these might be my own hallucination
Might be what I build up myself
as I wanted these so badly.
I almost hope myself to drown inside
I almost wanted to say
"I love you"
every time you kissed me.

Though, it's not time yet.

You said,
"I felt like poisoned by you already"
Then I replied,
"Don't worry, I am the antidote, I won't let you die nor leave me"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All I can ever do

Late night.
What are you doing?

I called.
You picked.
You were just so different.
You were just so happy.
You were just like nothing happened.
You lived your life.

I tell myself.
"Nevermind, I'll get used to it"
Just not anymore in you.
You are on your own
and so do I.

All I can ever do,
let you go,
let you live your life,
never bother,
never, anymore.

As long as

Never thought I would still care.
Saw your pictures.
Saw how happy you were.
Kinda hope I was with you.
Kinda like wanna stand beside you.

I don't know what's wrong.
But I know, you do it on purpose.
And I admit, the post I wrote, was a bit on purpose too.

I felt like wanna smell you all over again.
As long as you are really happy.
As long as you can get over me.
As long as,
You were the one I loved before.
As long as,
I was also the one you loved so much.

I miss you.

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